Abed Made Me Feel... Weird

Watching the TV series tonight (the April Fool's episode "The Science of Illusion"), there was a scene where Annie and Shirley were in the Dean's office.
Abed was also there, for no apparent reason.
When the dean asked him why he was there he said,
"Short answer? My cable went out."
And then I felt like some spirit went out of my body.

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Yes to Genetically Modified Foods

Why make cheap, big, "dangerous" genetically modified foods (GMO's) that you can donate to needy countries, when you can produce "organic" foods that only the rich can afford and no one in the starving regions of the world will be able to take a bite of?

Come on.

You'd rather have people starve to death than give them food that you labeled as "unsafe". And I bet you're using fossil fuel in your cars.

GMO's are there to help people, to feed people.
But, don't copyright plants and animals, unless you actually created, like 90% of it :'p